
Southbourne B attended Bourne Community College on Tuesday 31st January 2023.  This was their first visit with their year 5 students for the first cycle of the Enthuse project.

They started their first cycle with Mr Ellis, this was for the students to code microbits to make faces and games and downloading their coding to complete the circuit, the students were confident with this and some students extended and combined their microbits. 

The students then went onto science, where they successfully completed a practical on energy in food. They were able to determine from the burning of different crisps the crisp that contained the most amount of energy. 


Southbourne came with Miss Duncan, The students took part in a chemistry lesson to find the most fuel concentrated crisp from frazzles, onion rings and wotsits.

The students were new to burning, health, and safety in a science lab but they listened well and managed to follow all the rules effectively. The idea of independent and dependent variables and fair test were discussed so that the outcomes could be compared like for like. There were mixed results and it was decided that more lab practice was needed. Ultimately, the onion ring earned its place as the unhealthiest food! Containing the most calories.

The students then moved to micro bits and coding practice where each student designed a tune on the micro bit and were tasked to set them off from a button press. The outcome was a micro bit orchestra which could not be described as melodious!


On the 9th May Southbourne B arrived at Bourne Community College for their STEM visit. The students enjoyed an afternoon in engineering micro bits and separating rock salt in science, using different apparatus and techniques to achieve.

The students experimented with micro bits iterating their programs to develop them in robots, the programs gradually developed to be able to draw tessellated shapes, this led on to science where they learned safe practice in a laboratory and how to use a Bunsen burner to evaporate filtrated rock salt, which led to a tessellated crystal formation that could be seen under the microscope.