Thank you very much for welcoming our Year 5 to the Bourne Community College on Tuesday. The children had a wonderful afternoon of Science, Maths and Computing and were excited throughout. The crisp experiment was a highlight as the children really enjoyed being in the lab and using the Bunsen burners for the first time. They were attentive and engaged throughout the experiment. The pupils also enjoyed measuring circles in Maths, using a range of resources from tyres to pringle tubes. All pupils found the practical aspect to Maths interesting and an extension to their primary school lessons. For the last session, the children were excited to be in the ICT suite using Micro:Bits. This was something they were familiar with from their scratch computing and Micro:Bits in primary school but extended their computing vocabulary and coding skills, they would have loved to have spent longer investigating the sequences they could create!
Louise Gasser Headteacher Southbourne Junior School
Southbourne B joined us today for the Enthuse Project, they participated in an afternoon of Science, Maths and Engineering, the linking for today was tessellation, the children made their own crystals in science, then went to maths to learn about rotation, reflection and translation, followed by engineering which the children programmed micro bits in Microsoft make code to draw a tessellated shape.
Quotes from some students from Southbourne about today’s visit:
“Mostly today I enjoyed putting the evaporating basin on the Bunsen burners and then seeing what happened.” Joseph and Joshua
“Today I really enjoyed making the crystals and being able to do an experiment” Rebecca
“Science was my favourite lesson” Violet and Scarlett
“I loved Science today and making salt crystals it was really good” Maya
“Was the most fun afternoon I’ve ever had” Freya
“Very exciting day, I enjoyed getting my micro bit to do a triangle”